Bed & Chair Accessories

In this section, you will find an abundance of convenient and vital attributes that assist in aiding sit-to-stand transfers, for security while you sleep, and items that help you with maintaining your personal hygiene and health. We introduce you to examine the various disability aids that ensure your seated and laying comfort is maximised to the fullest.

Feeling safe and secure is paramount to your mental well-being. Your home should be accessorised with tools that encourage self-sufficiency and independence. We have considered all elements that contribute to these two factors to ensure you feel safe in your own home, and that certain tasks are made incredibly easier on account of any mobility restrictions.

Our hygiene and hydration aids allow you to maintain a healthy level of water in your body, and the security that a urinal is close at hand in moments it is needed immediately. We have integrated adjustable backrests to allow the user to reach the perfect sitting position in bed or when lying on a couch.

You will also find revolving seat cushions for both user comfort and for mobility assistance for reaching a standing position from awkward places. These transfer aids provide 360° smooth rotation to ensure that standing from places such as a car seat or from a static dining chair.

We have also included additional adjustable bed cradle sleeping aids for relieving pain when you are in bed. These are really important devices for sufferers of skin irritations, ulcers and aches in legs and feet where you don’t want to be kicking duvets and sheets about as you sleep.

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