Medication Aids

The Mobility Aids Centre has compiled a list of the medication aids that we feel provide the convenience and assistance you need. Our compilation of mobility tools has a goal to reduce the pressure on your hands or to offer the additional methods of medication organisation you may need. 

In the collection, there is an emphasis on pill organisers and tools that make processes such as eye drop dispensing and pill crushing effortless tasks. The Mobility Aids Centre wants to ensure those suffering from mobility issues enjoy their daily life with the extra comfort that is required. 

Our pill organisers come with the convenient attribute of easy identification to each day of the week. This assists in the pre-preparation of your pill distribution. It is also a huge benefit for remembering which pill to take on each particular day.

Alternatively, the tools that we have listed are perfect for those who own dexterity problems or weaknesses. They eradicate the unnecessary handwork stress you may otherwise have to apply to complete tasks such as pill splitting or even removing from their casing.  

As such, our living aids catalogue has been created to generate both the common and uncommon prerequisites suited to individuals who suffer from particular ailments, of which impact their lives.   


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